
Tuesday, 4 June 2013

AceMoney Lite 4.34

AceMoney transactions screen
Stay on top of your finances with the help of AceMoney
The quickest and most effective way to save money is simply to make a record of all your incomings and outgoings. Instead of relying on your bank statement – usually at least 24 hours out of date, and taking no account of your regular outgoings – you record each and every transaction on a regular basis, so you always know exactly how much cash is in your account. Over time the savings begin to pile up into the hundreds and thousands, leaving you better off in all kinds of ways.
Doing all this by hand is slow and painful, which is where your PC and programs like AceMoney come in. Set up your account, input all your regular outgoings and incomings (so you don’t have to do it the once) and then use the program to record all other transactions, letting you see exactly where you stand with regards to your finances.
Everything you expect from a personal finance package is here: record and view transactions, produce various reports and charts to help you track your spending, set up budgets, track investments and so on. The program can also download statements from many supported worldwide banks to help you reconcile your accounts, plus you can even run an e-business using the program, which can automatically convert email notifications informing you of payments from online services such as PayPal, RegNow and Plimus into transactions, simply by cutting and pasting.
AceMoney Lite has all the same features as its bigger paid-for sibling, but only works with two accounts – if you have more, say savings, credit card and current account, you’ll need to upgrade to the full version.

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